Jessica Kalbfeld, Ph.D.

Principal Consultant, Senior Researcher

Dr. Jessica Kalbfeld is an expert on disparities in the US criminal justice system and brings extensive quantitative and qualitative analysis skills to CulturePoint. In additional to working as a consultant for our military and private sector clients, Dr. Kalbfeld holds an MA in Applied Quantitative Research and an MA, MPhil, and PhD in Sociology from NYU. Her research focuses on the intersection of race, law, and inequality. Her research includes investigations of linguistic disparities in the criminal justice system and racial disparities in the adjudication of complaints made against the police. Additionally, she has a paper published in the Law & Society Review in which she presents computational models investigating the relationship between student body representation and educational outcomes of interest as described in the recent Supreme Court decisions on Affirmative Action. She has presented papers at annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, the American Sociological Association, the Law and Society Association, the Population Association of America, and the Eastern Sociological Society. Her research has been published in the journals Language and City & Community. Her research has been covered by Vice News Tonight, The New York Times, NBC News, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and others.

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